Injuries classification
They can be more serious or trivial. They can be classified in several ways. They can be described as being intrinsic or extrinsic. They are also classified according to the type of tissue that is injured. Special tissue, soft or hard injuries. They can be classified based on the type of insult that is inflicted upon the tissue. It is direct or indirect with the direct impact of a hard tackle. The indirect forces exerted during the overloading of a hamstring muscle in the fast sprint. They could happen from one incident or as a result of overuse – repetitive stress.
They are often described with regard to their stage of recovery. Acute, sub-acute or chronic. Injuries are also classified as being mild, moderate or severe. What’s more, injuries are described as being regional to a specific body region. Rotator cuff tendinitis is a shoulder injury. Sport-related are common in a particular sport, such as knee cartilage injuries in football. Osgood-Schlatter’s disease is an age-related problem affecting the insertion site of the patellar tendon in the tibial tuberosity in developing children. Especially boys, who play football a lot.
Some activities and some sports are not best categorised as being injuries. One of them is overstraining syndrome, but they’re still difficulties nonetheless. These also include stitches or cramps.

Injuries examples – Types of sports injuries.
These are extrinsic injuries, mainly involving a forceful impact with an opponent or implement such as a ball, stick or hockey. Produces a contusion, but nerve damage, haematoma, dislocation, sprain, strain and fracture.
These are intrinsic injuries that are caused by excessive forces. It is the major muscles that span two joints, like the quadriceps, the hamstrings and the gastrocnemius, which are strained during fast activity. Meniscus tears and sprains may result from ill-prepared, unaccustomed or excessive movements.
Acute injury
is defined with early onset and short duration of the signs and symptoms following trauma. One or more of the body tissues can be involved. The athlete usually knows how the injury happened. The common signs and symptoms of an acute injury can be bleeding, swelling, tenderness and sudden pain. It is described as being acute until the signs of inflammation have decreased. The healing process has begun. It is usually after 48 to 72 hours.
Sub-acute injury
Sometimes called post-acute. This classification is associated with the time scale of repair, and an injury is the condition of injury around three days or a week after the trauma. The severity of the injury and the acute treatment supplied affect the standard of repair and the rate of recovery healing. The inflammation has started to decrease in the sub-acute state and there are improvements in function and symptoms. The rehabilitation starts here.
Chronic injury
These have a slow start, resulting in commonly from repetitive minor insults. The cumulative effects are usually the cause of a longer problem. Chronic problems happen when small injuries are managed poorly. Severe injuries, traumatic incidents and overuse, the athlete is often left with chronic pain. they need rehabilitation involving physical therapy.